David Osaodion Odiase

David Osaodion Odiase who also goes by the moniker “78th psalmist” is a poet, performance artist, and storyteller, who, through poetry, performance art, film, and experimental forms, shares conscious stories, seeks to rectify biases, and offer fresh perspectives about Africa. His works have been screened at prestigious film festivals like the African International Film Festival, the Zebra Poetry Festival, and the Silicon Valley African Film Festival.

David has also shared his craft on platforms such as The Gathering Africa and Živa književnost in Slovenia. A recipient of the Ekonke African Storytellers’ Prize, his co-written poem in West Africa – West Oakland Poetry Exchange, was nominated by Elyssar Press for the Pushcart Prize.

He actively engages in community-centred activism and advocacy initiatives, including the Sound of Unity Audiovisual Peace Compendium against electoral violence and serving as the project manager for a poetry-infused documentary for the National Agency for the Great Green Wall.

He is currently the community manager of TrueMyVoice, a collective utilizing art for advocacy and social change.